I am a licensed mental health counselor and certified early intervention specialist in the state of Massachusetts and a
board-certified music therapist in the United States. I am based in Boston, on land stolen from the Massachusett people.
My résumé is available on my LinkedIn profile.
My curriculum vitae is available upon request.
contact: erika@erikashira.com
Privilege and marginalization acknowledgements:
I am white
I am religiously Jewish
I am genderqueer, though I typically experience cisgender privilege
I am in a long-term same-sex marriage
I am a transracial foster and adoptive parent
I have a history of medicalization, but currently experience health privilege and abled privilege
I have neurotypical privilege
I have educational privilege
I have lived in poverty and in the upper-middle class as an adult
I generally experience class privilege regardless of income
I have a fair degree of size privilege
I am an American citizen by birth
I am middle-aged
My family and I have experienced victimization by systems, though were able to leverage financial and educational privilege to work with attorneys to largely manage this
I am happy to discuss any of these and how they may play into my interactions.